What is UN/ECE regulation 67-01?

This is the regulation that defines an LPG system equipped with safety system.n conve

What type of LPG vehicles are fitted with safety systems in conformity with UN/ECE regulation 67-01?

All those which have been converted to LPG since 1 January 2001, the date on which compliance with UN/ECE regulation 67-01 became mandatory. The registration certificate of these vehicles must include this statement: "SYSTEM FITTED WITH UN/ECE 67.01 SAFETY SYSTEMS".

People with an LPG system fitted prior to 1 January 2001, in all likelihood, do not comply with UN/ECE regulation 67/01. What can they do?

They may decide to update their systems to the European regulation at a fairly small cost (about 200 to 300 euros according to the type of tank) and without having to keep their vehicles off the road for very long. They should contact an authorized dealer to replace the tank and valve block. They also need to update their registration certificates. For information on updating an old system, you can contact your regular installer.

Is an LPG system safe?

LPG systems pass fire and crash tests with excellent results, which are better than those of petrol (gasoline) systems. R67-01 approved multivalves on LPG tanks release the gas in the event of fire or excessive pressure to prevent the tank from exploding.

Is a CNG system safe?

Yes, it is safe. It is installed and tested according to precise European standards. In the event of serious accidents, (vehicle overturning, fire, etc.) cars fuelled with diesel or petrol (gasoline) are much more dangerous and subject to explosion hazards, unlike CNG-powered vehicles.

Are CNG cars less safe than petrol (gasoline) cars?

CNG is stored in particular tanks made of a special, extremely strong steel. Approval tests are carried out at a pressure of over two and a half times normal working pressure, which ensures total safety against possible explosions. None of these steel tanks have ever been reported to explode, which goes to show their safety. In addition, the autoignition temperature of CNG (540°C) is twice that of liquid fuels and the combustion concentration (5%) is much higher than that of petrol (gasoline) (1%) and diesel (0.5%). The risk of fire is therefore smaller.

How can you detect a gas leak?

Both LPG and CNG smell  because they contain additives that make them smell. You can therefore smell any leaks.


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